
At least 43 persons in 15 states have been impacted by a salmonella outbreak in the US, with 17 of them needing hospitalisation.

Cantaloupes that were recalled because they might have been contaminated have been connected to the outbreak. The recall covers a number of brands of whole and pre-cut cantaloupes.

It is recommended that consumers throw away the recalled fruits right away. The same strain of salmonella that was discovered in the recalled cantaloupes is also the subject of an outbreak investigation by Canadian authorities.

A cantaloupe-related Salmonella outbreak is affecting 15 US states.
A cantaloupe-related Salmonella outbreak is affecting 15 US states.

Frequent signs of a salmonella infection include fever, cramping in the stomach, and diarrhoea.Continue Reading

NEW DELHI: According to US health officials, cantaloupes included in a recent recall have caused salmonella infections in dozens of people spread across 15 states, as reported by the New York Post.

At least 43 persons in 15 states have contracted salmonella as a result of the outbreak, according to a report released by the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention on Friday. Of them, 17 have to be hospitalised.


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Several brands of pre-cut fruit and cantaloupes, both whole and pre-cut, have been recalled in the last week over possible contamination worries.

ALDI whole cantaloupes and pre-cut fruit items with best-by dates falling between October 27 and October 31, Vinyard brand pre-cut cantaloupe available between October 30 and November 10, and Malichita brand whole cantaloupes sold from October 16 to October 23 are among the products included in the recall.

It is highly recommended that anyone in possession of the recalled fruits throw them away right away, and investigators are actively searching for any more cantaloupe products that may be contaminated.

The same strain of salmonella that was discovered in cantaloupes under the Malichita brand is the subject of an investigation by Canadian authorities.

States without known infections may also be impacted, and the true number of people impacted by the outbreak is probably higher than what is currently being reported.


It may take a few days for symptoms to appear, and it typically takes three to four weeks to link a case to the outbreak.

Diarrhoea, fever, and cramping in the stomach are among the symptoms of salmonella infections, which usually last for four to seven days.

Certain populations—like young children, the elderly or frail, and people with compromised immune systems—are more susceptible to serious, sometimes fatal infections from salmonella.


A salmonella outbreak has led to the recall of several brands of cantaloupe, including whole melons and pre-cut, packaged products with mixed fruit.

A cantaloupe-related Salmonella outbreak is affecting 15 US states.
A cantaloupe-related Salmonella outbreak is affecting 15 US states.

A report released by the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on Friday states that at least 99 individuals have become sick after consuming tainted fruit. According to the public health agency, the outbreak has resulted in 45 hospital admissions and two fatalities, both of which occurred in Minnesota.

People in 32 states around the nation have been affected by the outbreak, with the majority of cases occurring in Minnesota, Wisconsin, Missouri, and Ohio. According to the CDC, people who contract salmonella usually have a high fever, vomiting, and diarrhoea.

a map showing the locations of those affected by tainted cantaloupe.

a map showing the locations of those affected by tainted cantaloupe.      ACDC

Due to milder cases and the time it takes to connect illnesses to the contaminated fruit, the CDC cautioned in the update that “the true number of sick people in this outbreak is likely much higher than the number reported”.

Over the past seven days, reports of more than half of the 99 confirmed cases have been made.

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