"Stylish, smart, and highly entertaining" is how one reviewer described American Arcadia

Similar to the ’70s styles seen all over American Arcadia, the game’s concept seems a little out of date. It’s essentially a mash-up of Logan’s Run and The Truman Show from the 20th century, and as such, it feels like its big ideas were worked through a long time ago.


However, as the creators of the reality TV show that is the game’s main feature would undoubtedly know, people enjoy a good throwback, particularly one that is well-thought-out, fashionable, and a lot of fun. Luckily, American Arcadia fulfils all of those requirements and then some.

One reviewer characterised American Arcadia as “smart, stylish, and highly entertaining.”
The idea behind the game seems a little dated, reminiscent of the ’70s aesthetic prevalent throughout American Arcadia.

Since it’s essentially a 20th-century mash-up of Logan’s Run and The Truman Show, its main concepts seem to have been worked out a long time ago.

But as the developers of the reality TV series that serves as the game’s centrepiece would no doubt know, nostalgia is always welcome, especially when it’s well-planned, stylish, and tonnes of fun. Fortunately, American Arcadia meets and exceeds all of those needs.


Developer Out of the Blue, however, makes sure that what you do is even more hilarious than what you see and hear by utilising these switches of scene and perspective simultaneously. American Arcadia, which alternates between two main characters, is a 2.5D platformer that resembles Inside until it stops being one and turns into a first-person puzzle game.

Even more enjoyable than the lighthearted alternation between these two approaches is when they come together and require you to balance the actions of both main characters simultaneously.

How then does that operate? In American Arcadia, the protagonist is Trevor Hills, a resident of the picturesque town of the same name who goes on the run after learning unsettling truths behind the scenes—not the least of which is that there is a behind the scenes at all.

However, it’s also the tale of Angela Solano, a worker for Walton Media, the organisation in charge of producing the films and television shows depicting life in the domed city, who tries to assist Trevor in getting away. To put it briefly, Angela works outside, hacking systems with her computer or phone to facilitate Trevor’s advancement, while Trevor hides and runs inside the bubble with a ’70s theme.

So how does that work? Trevor Hills, a resident of the charming town of the same name, is the main character of American Arcadia. He goes on the run after discovering disturbing truths behind the scenes, not the least of which is that there are any behind the scenes at all.

But it’s also the story of Angela Solano, an employee of Walton Media, the company that makes the films and TV series that portray life in the domed city, who tries to help Trevor escape. In short, Trevor hides and runs inside the ’70s-themed bubble while Angela works outside, hacking systems with her computer or phone to help Trevor advance.

Even though some of the pattern memorization is a little outdated, the end product is still thrilling—especially when combined with some funky music—and puts a creative spin on well-known puzzle platformer problems.

For instance, in one particularly memorable scene, Angela’s attention being split between two screens adds an extra dimension to an otherwise ordinary stealth section that runs between cover points. Now, as you work through a series of timed multiple-choice questions on the right, you have to keep looking left to see what you’re doing with Trevor.


In addition, Trevor is occasionally left on his own by Angela, especially when rumours start circulating outside Arcadia that someone is helping the runaway. In these scenes, you assume direct control of the technician at work or at home.

More challenging puzzles are added, based on scenarios like breaking into security cameras by feeding in looped footage or hiding evidence of your guilt from a supervisor who is spying on you. While some of these scenarios are a bit fabricated, the unique problems that arise have a pleasing variety and each introduces its own braintwisting mechanisms.


Additionally, all of this switching around accomplishes more than just broaden the range of activities. One way to sum up Trevor and Angela’s situation is to look at it from different angles. While Angela is limited by contemporary technology, Trevor, trapped on a single plane, is fighting for freedom.

Furthermore, Arcadia’s crisp, light design effectively conveys a fantasy of comfortable middle-class living and simpler, earlier times, while the unremarkable, chaotic present exposes the truth underneath.

But what a fantasy Arcadia is. The town monorail seems like the future, collars are wide, and orange is the new black, brown, and everything in between. These bold shapes give off a pseudo-1970s vibe.

Whether Trevor is skulking through the corridors of a luxury hotel or sitting down to work, every fitting, fixture, and façade isn’t so much designed as over-designed; in fact, it’s gaudy yet architecturally remarkable with it. In American Arcadia, the Google office interior serves as the nightmare world, akin to the plot of Inside.

Naturally, when Trevor, a moustachioed insurance bore with no other life experience, finds out the truth, he is in for a major shock. As a result, his earpiece conversations with activist Angela uncover a wealth of comedic potential. Though their cultural differences and odd couple dynamic may have been explored more, both characters have a lot of witty banter that contributes to the colour of their personalities.

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