Release information for Baldur's Gate 3, platforms, updates, and more

This is all the information role-playing gamers need to know about Baldur’s Gate 3, including information about the game’s most recent upgrades and its release date.


The first contemporary game in the venerable CRPG series from the 1990s is Baldur’s Gate 3. It takes place in the DnD universe of The Forgotten Realms, according to the rules of Dungeons & Dragons 5e.

This guide will tell you when the game will be published on all platforms and records all the important details that developer Larian Studios has disclosed about it.


You can make sure you know everything there is to know about Baldur’s Gate 3 by following this tutorial. For further in-depth information, see our comprehensive guides to the races and classes in Baldur’s Gate 3 or possibly our explanation of the max level in Baldur’s Gate 3. Even a tutorial for playing the Baldur’s Gate 3 coop is available.


If you’d rather go the traditional route, Wargamer offers a tonne of guidance on D&D character sheets, races, and classes. You can also check out some other fantastic D&D games here.


When does Baldur’s Gate 3 release?


The formal release date of Baldur’s Gate 3 was August 3, 2023. We emphasise “full” since the game was quite playable even prior to its official release. Act One has had constant updates from Larian since its early access release on October 7, 2020.


If you’re here, you may be curious about the console release of Baldur’s Gate 3. September 6 was the PS5 release date for Baldur’s Gate 3. The Xbox release date for Baldur’s Gate 3 is still pending.


The game will also be available on the Mac; however, the Mac version of Baldur’s Gate 3 will now launch later in September due to a recent delay.


When does Baldur’s Gate 3 release?


8 a.m. PT and 11 a.m. ET saw the release of Baldur’s Gate 3. The game premiered at these periods in different regions, as the Larian image above illustrates:

  • 4 p.m. IST (and BST) 12 p.m. BRT
  • 5:30 PEST
  • 11:00 PST
  • noon JST
  • 1:10 AEST
  • 0300 NZST


Updates for Baldur’s Gate 3

Baldur’s Gate 3 has seen a lot of improvements from Larian between the game’s Early Access launch and its final release in August 2023.


Released on December 14, 2022, was Patch #9. Called “Holy Knight,” it naturally brings two new subclasses and the DnD Paladin to the game. 


Even if you don’t believe in worshipping to 5e gods, the most recent patch still has a lot to offer. Larian increased the game’s level cap to level 5 and changed the fighting system’s response system.


Patch #8, the most recent significant update for Baldur’s Gate 3, was released earlier. This updated the game with new hairstyles, the DnD Bard class, the DnD Gnome species, and most significantly, shovels! 


The release date was July 7, 2022. Prior to it, Baldur’s Gate 3’s animations were redesigned and the DnD Barbarian class was added with Patch #7, which was released on February 15.


Larian has taken advantage of previous patches to add more classes to Baldur’s Gate 3, although several are still missing from the game, such as the DnD Artificer and 5e Monk. Regarding the races, Half-Orcs and Dragonborn are still absent.


Baldur’s Gate will include two iconic heroes: Minsc and Boo. Notably, Matt Mercer provides the voice of Minsc! Recently, we were also given a detailed preview of the completed BG3 character generator.


Platforms for Baldur’s Gate 3

Baldur’s Gate 3 is now available for the PC and PS5. Originally scheduled to launch on consoles on August 31, the same day as the PC version, it was rescheduled to launch on September 6 instead of August 31.

Playing local cooperative split screen with two players or online with four is possible on the PS5.


Xbox owners should rejoice since the game is not a Sony exclusive. Baldur’s Gate 3 will be available for Xbox Series X and S thanks to Larian. It hasn’t yet announced a release date for Battlefield 3 on the Xbox because, apparently, it’s having issues getting split screen to function on these systems.


There won’t be a PS4 or Xbox One release, either, since Larian has ruled out a release on previous generation systems.


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