Badaun Double Murder Case: “Whatever the police did was right,” the mother declared following Sajid’s murder of his siblings.
Badaun Double Murder Case: “Whatever the police did was right,” the mother declared following Sajid’s murder of his siblings.
A Muslim barber entered the home of a Hindu family in Badaun on Tuesday night in Baba Colony of Sadar Kotwali region, stabbed and killed two children with a knife and razor. This led to conflict among the community. People who were furious stopped the road and began to make noise. They set fire to the stores after they had been vandalized. Officers from multiple police stations arrived at the scene.
Case of the Double Murder in Badaun: “Whatever the police did was right,” the mother declared following Sajid’s murder of his siblings.
The mother of the accused in the Badaun double murder case says her son made the right choice in meeting.
Badaun, the Jagran correspondent. Badaun Double Murder Case: Sajid’s mother contacted Nazreen to get his remains following the post-mortem. He revealed that his two sons had owned salons in Badaun. The locals were friendly and helpful at all times. His son killed two kids, which was wrong. I can appreciate the struggles his mother is facing. Whatever the cops did was appropriate.
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Police apprehended Sajid’s father and uncle. According to SSP Alok Priyadarshi, on Tuesday evening, March 19, hairdresser Sajid was stabbing youngsters Ayush and Ahaan to death as his brother Javed stood watch over the door. This was indicated in the first information report (FIR) that the children’s father, Vinod, filed at one in the evening.
It was the previous evening that Sajid was met. The cops are currently looking for Javed. Both of the brothers are the subject of a murder case. For Javed’s arrest, four squads have been sent out. He hasn’t been able to find him up to this point. Sajid’s father Babu and his uncle from Sakhanu have been apprehended by the police and are undergoing questioning.
This is the issue.
Living in Baba Colony, a half-kilometer distant from Mandi Chowki, contractor Vinod Singh Mohammadi was gone from home on Tuesday, working on a water tank. Sajid runs a salon in a rented store in his neighborhood, according to the police.
On Tuesday night, around 4:30 p.m., he shuttered the store. After this, around 5:30 p.m., it unexpectedly arrived at Vinod’s residence. Munni Devi, his mother and the home guard, said that Sajid was a nearby store, thus she knew him.
Had gone to request funds for the birth of his wife
He stated that he needed a five thousand rupee loan because his wife is due to give birth tomorrow. Recognizing his need, requested him to speak with Sunita, Vinod’s wife. Sunita urged Sajid to wait a little bit, and she will give the money, over the phone with her husband. He proceeded to the second floor and asked that everyone wait. There, he chopped the throats of Vinod’s boys, Ahaan, 8, and Ayush, 12. When Piyush, the third son, arrived at the terrace after roughly twenty minutes and saw both of his brothers’ dead bodies, he screamed.
In an attempt to save his own life, he escaped from Sajid’s onslaught as well. As they heard her cry, Sajid fled outside and they went towards the terrace. However, by 8:30, the group of people assembled there started to get irate. Targets included Sajid and a few other stores. By 9:30 p.m., the situation may be under control with the deployment of several PAC, police, and paramilitary troops.
Victim of retaliatory firing killed
The accused had left the scene, according to the police. He was later apprehended and forced to sit in the car while it was being driven to the police station. Abruptly, he leaped from the car and fled toward the Shekhupur forest. He discharged the pistol when he was encircled.
He was slain by the cops in their retaliation. The incident has also resulted in injuries to Civil Lines police station Inspector Gaurav Vishnoi.
Until late at night, Commissioner Soumya Aggarwal, IG Dr. Rakesh Pandey, DM Manoj Kumar, and SSP Alok Priyadarshi stayed at the location. According to SSP, Vinod only identified Sajid as the attacker, despite the fact that at first there had evidence regarding three assailants.