Low Cost Business Idea: Big profit in less money, start with ₹ 20 thousand and earn 40000 per month
Low Cost Business Idea: In today’s time everyone is looking for a business in which more profit can be earned in less cost. If you too are dreaming of making big profits in a small investment, then this news is for you.
With an investment of just ₹ 20,000, you can start a business that can give you an opportunity to earn up to ₹ 40,000 every month, so let’s know about this business in detail.
Yes, we are talking about: Chaat and Chowmein cart business. In today’s era, the craze of fast food is among people of all ages. Be it children, youth or office goers – everyone is crazy about spicy chaat and tasty chowmein. In such a situation, setting up a chaat and chowmein cart can not only be started at a low cost but it is also a good and growing business model.
The big thing is that no special degree or big shop is required to start this business. With just a little understanding, experimenting with taste and taking care of cleanliness, you can make it successful.
It will cost around ₹ 20 thousand
The biggest feature of this Low Cost Business Idea is that it can be started at a very low cost. Let’s know its complete process. Overall, you can start your own chaat and chowmein business for ₹ 20,000.
Thela or stall: A strong and attractive cart can be prepared for ₹ 7,000 to ₹ 8,000.
Kitchen items: Around ₹ 5,000 will be spent on gas cylinder, burner, pan, wok, knife, chopping board etc.
Raw materials: Potatoes, papdi, curd, chutney, spices, noodles, vegetables, soy sauce etc. will cost an initial ₹3,000 to ₹4,000.
Other expenses: Keep a budget of up to ₹3,000 for plates, tissue paper, disposable utensils, cleaning items etc.
It is absolutely possible to earn up to ₹40,000 per month from a chaat and chowmein cart, you just need to adopt the right strategy. If you attract 100-150 customers daily and on an average each customer spends ₹30, then your daily earnings can be around ₹3,000.
Now if you work 25 days a month, the total earnings can reach ₹3,000 × 25 = ₹75,000. Even after deducting the cost of raw material, gas, oil, spices, stall maintenance and other expenses from this income, you can easily earn a net profit of ₹ 35,000 to ₹ 40,000.
If you improve the quality while keeping in mind the taste and cleanliness, the number of customers will increase and the profit will also increase rapidly. The right place and better service can make this business even more profitable.
Also read: Earning ₹ 3000 daily starting from just ₹ 600, see the mind of this graduate
Important tips in this business
To get success in this Low Cost Business Idea, it is important to pay attention not only to good taste but also to some other things:
1. Choose the right place
Near college
Crowded market
Office area
Outside park or fair ground
Wherever there is a crowd of people, your business will grow rapidly.
2. Focus on taste and quality
The taste of the food will attract customers to you again and again. Maintain freshness and pay special attention to cleanliness.
3. Use social media correctly
In today’s digital age, platforms like Facebook, Instagram can be helpful in giving wings to your business. Share beautiful pictures and videos of your Low Cost Business Idea stall so that more and more people can know about you.